Get Affordable Senior Life Insurance Coverage

As a senior, if you are seeking to get Affordable Senior Life Insurance Coverage with no medical exam we can help. Depending on your age and medical conditions, some senior life insurance companies may not provide coverage or charge a high premium cost for their policies. However our A+ Rated life insurance carriers will provide you with low cost life insurance for seniors with qualifying age up to 85. Some plans with No Health Questions.

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Fill out our Contact Form to request a quote on the best life insurance for seniors. Request a quote and get multiple life insurance quotes for seniors. Apply and get Quick Policy Approval and your certification of coverage from A Rated senior life insurance company.

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Benefits of having a life insurance for elderly policy:

    • Your senior policy last your whole life
    • You elderly policy face value never decrease
    • Your whole life policy builds cash value
    • Permanent Life Insurance
    • Your monthly premium (payments) will never increase
    • You can never outlive your policy
    • Pays your beneficiary as long as premiums have been paid
    • Senior Policy cannot be revoked by the insurance company
    • Guaranteed Death Benefit
    • Level Premiums
    • Policy cannot be cancelled except for non payment

You Can Get Senior Whole Life Insurance Coverage

If you need life insurance for senior citizens with great rates, fill out the contact form above for a Quick Quote from a Licensed Senior Life Insurance Professional in Your State. Your policy can cost as little as $1 a day.

Cancel your life insurance policy with caution

You can generally cancel your life insurance policy at any time. However, the process and potential outcomes of canceling a life insurance policy can vary depending on the type of policy you have and the terms of the contract. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Term Life Insurance: With term life insurance, you can typically cancel the policy whenever you choose. If you cancel before the end of the term, you will likely not receive any type of refund or payout. Term life insurance policies do not build cash value, so there’s no savings component to cash out. Once the policy is canceled, the coverage ends.

  2. Whole Life Insurance and Permanent Policies: Permanent life insurance policies, such as whole life, universal life, and variable life, have a cash value component that accumulates over time. If you decide to cancel one of these policies, you might be entitled to receive the cash value that has built up. However, canceling a permanent life insurance policy could have tax implications, and you may also be subject to surrender charges or fees, especially if you cancel within the early years of the policy.

  3. Surrender Charges: Some permanent life insurance policies have surrender charges that decrease over time. These charges are designed to recoup the insurance company’s costs associated with setting up the policy. If you cancel during the early years of the policy, you might have to pay surrender charges, reducing the amount you receive as a cash value payout.

  4. Tax Implications: Canceling a permanent life insurance policy can have tax implications. Any cash value that you receive above the amount you’ve paid in premiums may be subject to taxation. It’s important to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional before making a decision to cancel a permanent life insurance policy.

  5. Process: To cancel a life insurance policy, you will need to contact your insurance company or your insurance agent. They will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions for canceling the policy. If you’re canceling a permanent policy and want to receive the cash value, you’ll need to complete the required paperwork.

Before canceling a life insurance policy, it’s advisable to carefully review the terms of the policy, consider your financial needs and goals, and seek advice from a financial advisor or insurance professional. If you’re canceling a policy due to financial difficulties, some insurance companies might have options to adjust the policy rather than canceling it completely, such as reducing the coverage amount or changing the premium payment schedule.

As a senior on a tight budget and having to face today’s high cost of living, any money saved will help in reducing your over all monthly expenses. Your senior life insurance agent will know about the insurance companies underwriting criteria and requirements for your life insurance coverage. As with some of our policies you will not have any health questions or medical exam to qualify for coverage. By just answering a few health questions you may even get coverage with a low cost level death benefit seniors insurance policy. If you have been diagnosed with a major medical condition and need life insurance, one of the most important steps you can take toward getting coverage is to work with a life insurance agent who specializes in life insurance for the elderly. You can always consider a guaranteed life insurance policy or a Graded benefit policy.  Usually these policies cost a bit more than a standard level benefit policy. However you will not have to worry about the possibility of being rejected due to your health issues. As there are no medical questions required to qualify for coverage. We have the best life insurance for seniors

Affordable Life Insurance For Seniors

By working with an agent who specializes in affordable life insurance for seniors, you will increase your chances of finding the best coverage. To get life insurance for the elderly coverage while having major health challenges you need to talk with the right agent.  You need a life insurance agent that have the necessary connections with the right insurance company in order to get the lowest rates. When applying for a standard life insurance policy, graded benefit coverage or a guaranteed life insurance policy with any of our carrier, keep in mind that you will not have to submit to a doctor’s medical examination and in some cases will not need to submit any information about your health condition. Our agents will assist you in obtaining the coverage you need at a rate you can afford. We have life insurance for seniors over 70 – Up to age 85.

Remember, we can always get you a seniors insurance Whole Life Insurance Policy with No Medical Exam even if you have illnesses. You may qualify for:

If you have already requested your senior whole life insurance quote, our agents will call you back soon as possible to discuss your condition and give you a free no obligation quote on your whole life insurance policy.

Even if you have major illnesses such as:

Alzheimers, Aneurysm, Atrial Fibrillation, Bipolar disorder, Heart Bypass, Cancer, Cardiomyopathy,Cerebral palsy, COPD, Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Cystic Fibrosis,Defibrillator, Dementia, Diabetes, Dialysis, Emphysema, Heart Attack, Heart Disease.

You can get a burial insurance for seniors policy if you meet the qualifying age requirement – 50 to 85.