May 14, 2019

Senior Term Life Insurance With Return Of Premium (ROP)

By admin

Primary advantage of term life insurance with a Return Of Premium

The primary advantage of term life insurance with a return of premium rider is that it enables you to get all your money back at the end of your coverage period. One of the many complaints that people have about life insurance is “I pay all this money and get nothing back”.

Call Toll Free (800) 398-0254

Well with a Return Of Premium feature on your policy that is no longer the case. You can now get your money back – All Of It. Get an affordable Senior Term Life Insurance With Return Of Premium (ROP). With a Return Of Premium you will get all your monthly payments back at the end of your coverage period.

Call Direct (800) 398-0254

Most people will outlive the term of their life insurance plan. Whether it be a 20, 20 or 30 year term life insurance policy most people will outlive their term plan. With a (ROP) you will not waste your money. You get all your premiums back at the end of your term.

Of course with a ROP policy your premium will be much higher than a standard term policy but it is certainly worth it knowing that you will get all your money back at then end of your overage period. The return of premium rider provides a financial assurance. Our Term Life Insurance plan will enable your loved ones to pay your burial cost and funeral expenses if death accrues during your term of coverage. If you live beyond the term – You Get All Your Money Back. We also have other life insurance plans for seniors age 50+, 60+, 65 ,70 +,75+, 80+ Up to Age 85. Additional plans are available life policies for seniors up to age 89 with health question requirements. 

Easy Phone Application Quick Approval. Call a Licensed Agent at 678-468-5163 or Toll Free 888-684-1344. OR fill out the form above and request a Free Quote for Minimum Term Coverage $25000 Qualifying Age – 50 to 70. The Lowest Premium Rates in Term Life Plans among the Top Major A Rated Senior Life Insurance Companies. Get our 2019 Best Rate QUOTE Today. (No Medical Exam Required) 

We Also Have  2 Major Senior Whole Life Insurance Policy Types

  1. Level Benefit: Health Questions Required To Qualify (Best Rates – NO Waiting Period)
  2. Guaranteed Acceptance: NO Health Questions Required To Qualify. (For seniors with major health issues)

How To Apply For Your Senior Life Insurance Policy

Your senior care Term Life Policy’s immediate death benefit will allow your loved ones the ease and flexibility of paying your burial expenses and other outstanding debts. You don’t want to leave your final expense bills on your family. 

Expenses Associated With Burial Cost

  • Hiring a Minister
  • Casket cost
  • Cost of Cemetery Plot
  • Cost of Headstone and Engraving
  • Funeral Service Cost
  • Wake and Visitation cost
  • Casket and family Transportation Cost

Average Funeral Cost in 2019
$8,000 to $10,000

Get an affordable senior care life insurance plan today. Fill out the contact form above for a FREE QUOTE from a Licensed Life Insurance Agent. Your Whole Life Policy can cost as little as $1 a day – No Medical Exam Required.