Senior Care Life Insurance Plan

A USA Senior Care Life Insurance Plan will provide the financial protection your family needs. As a senior or elderly person concerned about your funeral, you will have no more worries about your burial expenses as your coverage will last your whole life with no premium increase.

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The Senior Care Life Insurance Plan offers a death benefit that can be used to cover final expenses, such as funeral costs and outstanding medical bills, as well as other debts and expenses that may be left behind. This policy is generally easier to qualify for than traditional life insurance policies, as it does not require a medical exam.

Call 678-468-5163 for a Free Quote and Pre-Approval

Sleep Better With A Senior Care Whole Life Policy

With your senior care whole life insurance policy underwritten by one of our major A rated life insurance companies, you may be able to sleep better at night with one major concern off your mind. This type of Life Insurance Policy could enable improved sleep, as your peace of mind comes with the knowledge of having a financial safety net that can help alleviate end of life financial stress and anxiety. Above all the ultimate peace of mind is finding rest for your soul before you die through Jesus Christ.

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Senior life insurance cover costs of funeral

Nationwide the average funeral cost is between $7,000 and $12,000. Do you have that kind of cash sitting around? Does your family have it? This is why you need a burial insurance plan; a small whole life insurance policy to cover your burial cost.

Expenses Associated with Burial Cost

senior care life insurance plan
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  • Hiring a Minister
  • Casket cost
  • Cost of Cemetery Plot
  • Cost of Headstone and Engraving
  • Funeral Service Cost
  • Wake and Visitation cost
  • Casket and family Transportation Cost

Average Funeral Cost
$7,000 to $12,000

As you can see Funerals are not cheap

The Cost of a burial insurance policy

The cost of a burial insurance policy will vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, gender, health, coverage amount, and the insurance company you choose. However, burial insurance is generally considered to be one of the more affordable types of life insurance available.

Life Insurance Policies For Seniors Age 50 to 85 

We have life insurance plans for seniors age 50+, 60+, 65 ,70 +,75+, 80+ Up to Age 85. We also have additional life policies for younger seniors aged 45 to 49 with health question requirements. You can get an affordable senior life insurance plan with our Best Rates. Your coverage starting in this year to cover your final expenses. Our senior care plan will enable your loved ones to pay your burial cost and funeral expenses.

Replacing a Term Policy with a Senior Care Whole Life Policy

Switching from a term life policy to a senior care whole life policy can be a significant decision. By understanding the factors involved and carefully considering your options, you can make an informed choice that best suits your needs and goals.

Senior Whole Life Insurance Policy Types

  1. Level BenefitHealth Questions Required to Qualify (Best Rates – NO Waiting Period) 
  2. Guaranteed AcceptanceNO Health Questions Required to Qualify. (For seniors with major health issues)

How To Apply for Your Senior Care Whole Life Insurance Policy

Your senior care whole life policy’s immediate death benefit will allow your loved ones the ease and flexibility of paying your burial expenses and other outstanding debts. You don’t want to leave your final expense bills on your family.

Final Expense Insurance Covers Burial Cost

This year, if you are on a tight budget you need to get a senior life insurance plan. Because as we get older one of our main concerns is – Do we have enough money saved up to pay for our funeral? Do we really want to burden our families with our final expense bill? This anxiety can be solved by getting a senior care plan to cover funeral cost.

Finding The Best Life Insurance For Seniors

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Our life insurance for seniors will save you money. As we shop the lowest premium rates in Whole Life senior life insurance plans. To cover your funeral cost we will get you a burial insurance policy with a Top A Rated USA Life Insurance Company. We can also get you a whole life insurance policy with no waiting period by answering health questions on the application – No Medical Exam Required. Your senior life insurance premium will never increase. This is a key feature of our final expense life insurance plans.

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Whole Life Insurance with No Medical Exam and No Health Questions

Regardless of your medical condition we will find you a senior care plan that will cover you. We know that many of today’s senior citizens suffer from age related illness. Such as Alzheimer’sDementiaHeart Disease, Renal Failure and other diseases. For which sometimes they are unable to get a final expense plan or get burial insurance coverage.

Senior Care Life Insurance Plan

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We have two major senior care life insurance plan types available – Simplified Issue Whole Life No Waiting Period and Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance No Health Questions and a 2 year waiting period. We also have Term Life policies with return of premium for seniors who are age 65 or younger. Also healthy enough to qualify for coverage.

Simplified Issue Life Insurance Policies

Our simplified issue policies all have qualifying health question requirements. Some life insurance companies may ask you questions on your living conditions. Questions Example: Are you currently bedridden or confined to a hospital, nursing home or long-term care facility? Some senior care companies will also ask about specific medical conditions.

Return Of Premium Life Insurance

If you want to get your money back from your life insurance policy? Consider getting a Term Life Insurance Policy with a return of premium rider. A Term Insurance Policy with a return of premium rider allows the premiums paid to be refunded back to the policy holder if the the policyholder doesn’t die during the stated term of the policy.

Cancer life insurance coverage

For example. Have you had any cancer diagnosis or treatment in the last 4 years? Have you ever been diagnosed with kidney failure or liver disease? Any recent diagnosis with a terminal illness? Please note that these are just examples, they also ask other questions. For the Guaranteed Issue or (Guaranteed Acceptance) policies there are No Health Questions and No Medical Exam required.

No Waiting Period Whole Life Insurance 

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Some of our plans are whole life insurance with no waiting period. Other plans are life insurance without 2 year waiting period. With our multiple options, we have the best life insurance for seniors. Your whole life policy will give your loved ones more flexibility over prepaid funeral plan. As your policy benefit will be paid directly to your beneficiary instead of the funeral home.

Affordable Senior life insurance plan

Some life insurance companies will offer you coverage at a very high premium cost. Our Senior Care Life Insurance agents will assist you in getting an affordable life insurance policy through one of our A Rated carriers. We can get you a Whole Life Insurance Policy with No Medical Exam. Even if you have serious end of life related illness or other medical conditions. Even if you are bedridden or confined to a hospital or nursing home, you can get coverage. We can get you a Whole Life Insurance Policy – Qualifying Age 50 to 85.

Compare rates with other life insurance companies

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You can compare our rates to angel care insurance plan. Please watch our life insurance TV Ad again for more information. Remember, with us you are likely to find a Better USA Life Insurance Company.  With low monthly premium rates. We will shop our many carriers to find you the most affordable Life Insurance plan for your situation. Even if you are not a senior, we may still be able to get you a whole life insurance plan. Age 1 to 85. Get senior life insurance quotes today.

Compare costs and benefits of Your Whole Life Policy

As with any type of insurance policy, it’s important to compare the costs and benefits of different Senior Care Life Insurance Plans, and to read the policy terms and conditions carefully to ensure that you understand what is covered and what is not. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or insurance professional before making any major financial decisions.

Call 678-468-5163 to speak with a Senior Care Life Licensed Agent.

Get A Senior Care Life Insurance Plan
NO Medical Exam Required